Eisenhower matrix for friendship

Oct 16th, 2023

It’s a poignant reality that we often lose touch with friends who were once our daily companions. During my time in Korea, our group would hangout multiple times a day – whether it was for lunch, coffee breaks, a game of table tennis, or movie nights. But now, months pass without us exchanging a word. This disconnect is a reminder to prioritize close friends who are not in our immediate vicinity.

While I’ve formed a new hangout group in my current location, I can’t help but yearn for more involvement in the lives of my friends from college or Korea.

When we consider how to prioritize our relationships, we can think of it on a two-dimensional scale. On one axis, we have the quality of the friendship, ranging from acquaintances to close friends. On the other axis, we assess their proximity to our life, both in terms of physical distance and the current phase of life they’re in.

Some things we can do to prioritise our close friends who are far away.

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