One or two steps away

Dec 9th, 2023

There’s a new movie on Netflix named Friday Night Plan, about a guy and his younger brother at school whose life changes drastically within a day. He goes from being an unknown guy to being the most popular one in a day because he scores a goal in a match he was substituted in.

The movie is a great example of how a very different life is only one or two steps away from your current life. If you feel stuck in your current life, taking a few decisions will completely change your course. It could be switching jobs, moving to a different city, or starting a new relationship. One relieving realization last year was that emotions before and after a major decision are entirely different. You might think you’ll always feel like this, but you won’t. You would be surprised how something that worried you daily or made you sad is non-existent after the change.

The same holds true for turning a bad day into a good one. I woke up not wanting to do anything today. One of those days, the feeling of pointlessness of it all engulfs you. I could tell how this day would unroll. It would be scrolling reels, youtube and linkedin, sleeping all day, texting, and only getting up to have food.

I tried to reason with myself that I was only one or two decisions away from turning this rather dull, unmotivated day into a good one. So I decided to write this post, and I’d write another post that’s in draft to see how I feel about the day. And I’m hopeful I’ll feel good and want to do more things today.

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